Friday, October 1, 2010

Thoughts from Neverland

Patty asked me to help set up this blog back in May, with the intentions of sharing some of her wry views of the world and the people in it. I encouraged her, knowing her wit would find a following. It never quite took off, possibly because most of her spare time was spent writing novels (and a few short stories in which our respective characters met up for events or vacations).

She said she and Jill had talked about creating a website titled Jamais Pays (which is French for "Neverland") .

Somehow, it seems fitting that I use this as a way to keep in touch with her. Maybe, instead of 'Thoughts FROM Neverland' it should be retitled to 'Thoughts TO Neverland'.

Patty - you may have left us, but you are not forgotten. And if there is wifi in Jamais Pays, I hope you'll email.....

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